Opening hours
Monday: 9.00-16.30
Tuesday: 9.00-16.30
Wednesday: 9.00-16.30
Thursday: 9.00-19.00
Friday: 9.00-16.30
Visits by appointment only
For appointments: please contact us via email or phone (call/whatsapp)
OR book directly:
Deviating opening hours:
Closed on:
- Thursday 31-10 and Friday 1-11-2024
- Friday 15-11-2024
- Friday 20-12-2024 starting from 12.30
- Monday 23-12-2024 till Tuesday 7-1-2024
We believe it is important to make sure all of your story can be told. Therefore we take 30 minutes minimally for our consultations.
Single consultation | 30 minutes | €85,-
Double consultation | 60 minutes | €150,-
Home visit from €160,-
Repeat prescriptions or referral letters without appointment | €40,-
For costs of surgeries, Pap smears or other interventions, please email us at [email protected].
We are at this moment not affiliated with any health insurance. We bill patients directly, at the end of the consultation or beforehand when having a video-consultation. Depending on the type of private-insurance you have, it is possible to ask for reimbursement/reembolso. We advise to check this with your insurance beforehand.